Tallarook Primary School is an open school that always encourages parental participation. We believe that the success of any child’s education is directly related to the working relationship between home and school.
For a school to be successful, it takes more than a solid contribution from the principal, teachers, and students alone. The work of parents in enhancing and improving our school cannot be underestimated. Education is a shared partnership between students, parents, teachers, and the wider community.
We invite all parents to take a truly active role in their child’s education and forge a partnership between school and home. How can you do this?
- Listen to your child read at home regularly. Read from books and magazines or maps and timetables. Read the book as well and talk about what you have read. Draw attention to the literacy and numeracy that happens in daily life. Value books and reading. Encourage curiosity.
- Your child relishes your visits to the school during special days/nights, e.g, Family Nights, Sporting Carnivals, Education Week activities, etc.
- Be aware of your child’s homework and home reading requirements.
- Talk to your child about school.
- Attend Parent Information nights to be aware of educational requirements.
- Read ClassDojo posts and discuss the topics with your child/children.
- Attend Parent/Teacher Interviews.
- Be positive about your child’s learning.
- Contact the school directly with any concerns. Give the school feedback when necessary – both positive and constructive. Talk to us first if there are issues of concern – no problem is too small or large to solve together!
- Whenever possible, volunteer your support for working bees, group activities, class reading, excursions, etc.
- Be involved with various commitiees as you are part of the school community - offer your services for that something special!
- Be supportive of Tallarook Primary School – you and your child are our best advertisement.